The Bricky Blog is a fan made Lego® web site. This site is not owned by nor affiliated with the Lego group.The Lego brick design is a trademark of the Lego® Group. All Lego terms used on this site belong to the Lego® Group. The Lego web site can be found here,
The Bricky Blog is under the Creative Commons License 3.0 So,you are allowed to use material on this site as long as proper attribution is given. You may link to us, but I would prefer if the two sites would exchange links. You can ask to exchange links by using the contact page found in the top navigation bar.
Proper credit should be given to some people. Template was designed by Tina Chen . This website is powered by Google's blogging system, Blogger . "Subscribe and Follow" buttons can be found at Iconspedia. All content blogged on this site is the owners property, I link the photo back to where it was found. Statistics for this site is powered by Google Analytics Bricky Blog PDF file is hosted on Google Docs .
All logos and banners for The Bricky Blog are owned by Bryant Baus. You may not copy any of these logos, icons, and banners without permission. In the 'About' page there is html codes for banners that you can copy and paste into your site profile.
When you fill out a survey, poll, or form that requires an e-mail, I will not give away, sell, or abuse that e-mail. I will also keep any information given on this site a secret.